The world’s safest investment tool

A science-based AI that outperforms the world’s top traders to maximize your returns.


100% guarantee

Our team is composed of experts in the field of AI and finance. Bringing years of experience to ensure the best results for your investment.

We're here for you, our dedicated customs service team is always ready to assist you with any question or concern you may have.


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Don't just watch the financial revolution, be a apart of it. Sign up now and be among the first to join our movement towards smarter and more profitable investments

Frequently asked questions


Why join the waiting list? Well, let’s put it this way. You know how people camp outside stores for days to get the latest smartphone or game console? That’s because the early bird gets the worm! Or in this case, the early bird gets the benefits!

By joining our waiting list, you’re not just reserving a spot in line. You’re securing a VIP pass to the future of investing! As one of our first customers, you’ll get access to special discounts that’ll make your wallet happier than a cat in a box. And that’s not all!

Ever wanted to test drive a spaceship before it launches? Well, we can’t offer that (yet), but we can offer the next best thing - beta testing preference for future features! You’ll be able to try out and give feedback on new features before they go live. It’s like being part of the crew that shapes the future!

So why join the waiting list? Because it’s more than a list. It’s your ticket to a front-row seat in the investment revolution. So come aboard, future investor, the future is waiting!

Great question! After you join the waiting list, you’re officially part of the Ubajay family - and families look out for each other, right? So here’s what you can expect:

First, you’ll receive a confirmation email faster than a kangaroo on a sugar rush. This email will confirm your spot on the waiting list and give you an idea of what’s next.

Then, as we get closer to our launch date, you’ll start receiving exclusive updates, sneak peeks, and maybe even a surprise or two (hint: think discounts and early access)!

And when the big day finally arrives, you’ll be among the first to be invited to start using Ubajay. But remember, just like a good movie, no spoilers! We want everyone to be surprised and delighted by what we’ve built.

So in short, after you join the waiting list, you get to sit back, relax, and watch the future of investing unfold right before your eyes. Welcome to the family!

Cost anything? Oh, absolutely not! Joining our waiting list is as free as a bird soaring through the sky. In fact, it’s better than free! Here’s why:

When you join our waiting list, you’re not just getting a spot in line. You’re getting a golden ticket to a world of benefits. Think of it like finding a treasure chest, but instead of having to buy a map and hire a pirate crew, all you have to do is sign up!

From exclusive discounts to early access to new features, being on our waiting list is like having a VIP pass to the future of investing. And the best part? It won’t cost you a single doubloon. So why wait? Join the Ubajay waiting list today and let the benefits begin!


Ah, a non-custodial app, you ask? Picture this: You’re a pirate, and your digital assets are your hard-earned treasure. Now, would you hand over your treasure chest to another scurvy pirate for safekeeping? Of course not! You’d bury it on a secret island and keep the map to yourself. That’s what being non-custodial is all about - you are the only one who has control over your assets.

Now, enter Ubajay, the first mate you didn’t know you needed. It’s a non-custodial investment app, which means your assets stay with you, no third parties involved. It’s like having your own personal treasure island in the cloud!

But wait, there’s more! Our ship is steered by our proprietary algorithm, ANIA. She’s like the best navigator out there, making decisions that are transparent, unbiased, and based solely on the stars… I mean, data and sophisticated algorithms.

So, with Ubajay, you get the freedom of self-custody, combined with the power of automated investment strategies. It’s like having your cake and eating it too, but the cake is your assets, and eating it is… well, you get the idea.

In short, Ubajay gives you the peace of mind knowing that your treasure is secure, and the confidence that your investments are being managed as efficiently as a well-oiled ship. So, welcome aboard matey, to the future of investing, welcome to Ubajay

Great question! Our proprietary algorithm, ANIA, is like a master chef, meticulously preparing a gourmet meal. Here’s how it works:

Firstly, ANIA starts by gathering the ingredients - in this case, quantitative data (like price) and qualitative data (like news). It then whips up a sentiment analysis, taking into account the market volatility of a preselected universe of assets. This selection is tailored to each user’s account size, prioritizing long-term development.

Next, ANIA conducts a comprehensive risk analysis, aiming to find the lowest possible correlation with the market environment. Think of it as carefully balancing the flavors in a dish to achieve the perfect taste.

When it’s time to monitor the position, ANIA follows a simple philosophy: let the profits run and cut the losses short. The goal is to create a distribution of returns that is heavily positively skewed in the user’s favor. It’s like ensuring that the meal not only tastes great but also looks appealing!

And the best part? All of this is done 100% free of human interaction and is completely automatic. ANIA is also adaptive and continually learning, thanks to an incorporated neural network. It’s like having a chef who not only cooks for you but also learns and improves with each dish!

So, in essence, ANIA is your personal investment chef, working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure you have the best possible investing experience. Bon appétit!

Sure thing! Our proprietary algorithm, ANIA, operates at a pace that’s best described as ‘thoughtfully selective’. It performs a handful of transactions each week, making it a low-frequency algorithm. But don’t let the ‘low-frequency’ tag fool you. ANIA is all about quality over quantity.

Every Friday, like clockwork, ANIA rebalances its positions. It’s like a gardener, carefully pruning and tending to the investment portfolio to ensure optimal growth.

But ANIA’s work doesn’t stop there. It keeps a vigilant eye on the price action at the tick level, ready to spring into action when needed. It’s like having a personal financial watchdog, always on the lookout for opportunities to enhance your investments.

So, in a nutshell, ANIA is your steadfast companion in the world of investing, always working diligently behind the scenes to help grow your assets.

Great question! ANIA is like a world traveler, exploring various landscapes in the investment world. It invests in both long and short positions in Indexes, Cryptocurrencies, Foreign Exchange (FX), and even some Raw Materials.

Think of it as having a diverse food plate - a little bit of everything to ensure a balanced diet. ANIA aims for the best possible diversification, tailored to fit the size of the user’s account.

So, whether you’re a fan of the bustling city life (Indexes), the exciting unpredictability of the wild (Cryptocurrencies), the global melting pot (FX), or the earthy simplicity of nature (Raw Materials), ANIA has got you covered!

Ah, the freedom of choice! It’s a wonderful thing, isn’t it? But when it comes to choosing which assets your money is invested in, we leave that to our trusty algorithm, ANIA.

Why, you ask? Well, imagine if you had a world-class chef cooking for you. Would you tell them exactly how to prepare the dish? Probably not, because their expertise lies in knowing the perfect blend of ingredients to make a meal delicious.

Similarly, ANIA is your world-class investment chef. It’s completely human-free and has the freedom to choose from a universe of assets at its disposal. This allows ANIA to whip up the best possible investment strategy for you.

If users were to choose the assets, it would be like telling the chef to only use salt and pepper. It could undermine ANIA’s ability to create a diversified and potentially profitable investment strategy.

So, while we value the freedom of choice, when it comes to investing with Ubajay, we let ANIA take the reins and guide us towards potentially greener pastures!

Ah, risk profiles - the spice level of the investment world! Just like how some people prefer mild salsa while others go for the extra hot, everyone has their own comfort level when it comes to risk. But here’s where Ubajay does things a bit differently.

Instead of adjusting to individual risk profiles, Ubajay adapts its risk according to the market sentiment and its own performance. It’s like a surfer riding the waves, adjusting their strategy based on the size and speed of the wave, and their own skill level.

The goal? To achieve the highest possible risk-adjusted return. In other words, Ubajay aims to get you the most bang for your buck, considering the level of risk involved. It’s all about finding that sweet spot between risk and return.

So, while Ubajay doesn’t adjust to individual risk profiles, it constantly adjusts its own risk level to strive for the best possible outcome for your investments. It’s like having a personal risk manager, always working to balance the scales of risk and return in your favor!

Yes! As soon as you sig in an account with us you will be giving access to your private Dashboard that will display all teh necesary information to track your investments. 


Right now IG Markets, Binance and Alpaka, but we are working constantly to add all of them! If you miss some in our list please let us know! 


Ah, connecting to the broker account! It’s like finding the secret door that leads to the treasure room. But don’t worry, it’s a rather easy process!

First, you’ll want to head over to our ‘How it works’ section and watch the video. It’s like having a personal guide showing you the way.

Next, you’ll need to get the API key from your online broker, where you have your funds. Think of this key as the secret code to the treasure room.

Once you have the key, sign in to Ubajay and place it in the settings as indicated. It’s like entering the secret code to unlock the door.

And then, all you have to do is press play! The connection goes automatic, and you’re in! It’s like stepping into the treasure room and seeing all the riches waiting for you.

So, connecting to the broker account is as easy as 1-2-3! And remember, if you need any help along the way, we’re here for you


Ah, the question of access! It’s like asking who has the keys to the castle. Well, at Ubajay, we believe in keeping those keys securely in your hands.

The level of access Ubajay has to your account is defined by your broker, not us. Think of us as a guest in your castle, abiding by the rules set by the castle’s lord (that’s your broker!).

Ubajay only has access to the amount of funds in your account. This is used to calculate the risk and diversification. It’s like knowing the size of the castle to plan its defense strategy.

We also receive stream price data and order execution. It’s like getting updates on the castle’s supplies and the orders carried out by the castle’s staff.

But here’s what we can’t do - we can’t touch your money or make transfers. That functionality is not allowed through APIs in any broker, to the best of our knowledge. And neither does ANIA, our algorithm, have that design in its code. It’s like a guest not being allowed to open the castle’s treasury or command its troops.

So, rest assured, while Ubajay is a guest in your castle, you remain the lord, with full control over your assets!

Yes you can do it. However we reccomend to have two separates account within your broker. 

No, Ubajay do not generates any extra fee or commison with your broker other than the regular ones you may have within your plan with your broker. 

When you change your broker you need to connect the new account to Ubajay again. 


No worry, contact us either by email or in our live chat and we will help you out. 

Yes, you can have it. However you will need to have one subscription per each account. 


Ah, the million-dollar question! Or should I say, the $9.99 question? Because that’s exactly how much a subscription to Ubajay costs per month. Yes, you heard it right! For less than the price of a fancy cup of coffee, you get access to our state-of-the-art, non-custodial investment app.

But wait, there’s more! This price doesn’t just get you a ticket to the investment revolution. It gets you a front-row seat, complete with all the benefits of our proprietary algorithm, ANIA.

And just like any good show, there are taxes to be paid. But don’t worry, even with taxes included, our subscription offers incredible value. So why wait? Join the Ubajay family today and let’s navigate the world of investing together!

Ah, the allure of an annual subscription with discounts! It’s like a giant candy bar, isn’t it? But here at Ubajay, we believe in a different kind of sweetness - the sweetness of freedom!

We currently do not offer an annual subscription with discounts. Why, you ask? Well, we want you to feel as free as a bird when it comes to your subscription. Free to join, free to stay, and free to fly away whenever you want.

With our monthly subscription, you can enjoy the benefits of Ubajay without feeling tied down. It’s all about giving you the flexibility and control you deserve. After all, investing is a journey, and we want you to enjoy the ride at your own pace!

So, while we don’t offer an annual subscription, we promise to make your monthly subscription worth every penny. Welcome to Ubajay, where freedom and investing go hand in hand!

Absolutely! With Ubajay there's no contracts, you by the month, so as soon as the month you pay is finish you will not  be charge any more. You can as well STOP ANIA at any time and the trading will stop immeadiately. 


Ah, the allure of a free trial! It’s like getting a sneak peek of a movie before it hits the theaters. But here at Ubajay, we’ve chosen a different path.

The answer is no, we do not offer a free trial period. Why, you ask? Well, there are a couple of reasons:

Firstly, our subscription price is already super affordable, and there’s no contract involved. This means you can renew your subscription on a monthly basis, giving you the freedom to continue or stop whenever you want. It’s like pay-as-you-go, but for investing!

Secondly, and most importantly, Ubajay and our algorithm ANIA operate on a low-frequency basis. This means that a trial of 1 month, 2, or even 3 won’t really give a comprehensive picture of what we can do. It’s like trying to judge a movie based on the first few minutes - it just doesn’t do it justice!

We’re here for customers who are in it for the middle and long term, those who understand that investing is a journey, not a sprint. So while we don’t offer a free trial, we promise to make your investment journey with us worth every penny!

Ah, the question of guarantees and refunds! In the world of investing, predicting the future is as tricky as predicting the next winning lottery numbers. Investing always carries risks, and there may be periods of loss. But here’s where Ubajay stands out.

While we can’t offer a refund policy or guarantee, what we do offer is rigorous risk analysis. We’ve analyzed the past and current performance of our algorithm, ANIA, using Extreme Value Theory. Now, you might be wondering, what’s that? Well, in simple terms, Extreme Value Theory is a branch of statistics that focuses on extreme deviations from the median of probability distributions. It’s like a weather forecaster trying to predict the next big storm.

Based on this analysis, the possibility of losing 90% or more of the account under a 1-year period is less than 0.0001%. That’s less than the chance of finding a four-leaf clover in your backyard!

For a detailed breakdown of loss probabilities, from 100% to 10% intervals in 1 year, you can check out our ‘Performance’ section on our webpage. It’s like having a crystal ball that gives you a glimpse of various potential future scenarios.

So, while we don’t offer a refund policy or guarantee, we provide transparency, rigorous risk analysis, and the commitment to strive for the best possible outcome for your investments.

We use Stripe as our service provider and we accept all majors creditcards. 


Ah, the age-old question of performance! Well, at Ubajay, we like to measure ourselves against the best. And in the world of indexes, it doesn’t get much better than the S&P 500. We believe it’s the most representative of the global economy.

Now, let’s talk numbers. Over more than 4 years of proprietary trading, we’ve managed to perform 3 times better than the S&P 500. And here’s the kicker - these aren’t back-tested numbers. These are results from real trading with real money. Yes, you read that right!

Our Sharpe ratio stands at a robust 2.24, and our information ratio against the S&P 500 is a solid 1.13. These are numbers that we’re incredibly proud of, and they’re a testament to the power of our algorithm, ANIA.

But we’re not fortune tellers, and we can’t predict the future. What we can do is tell you what has happened during this time. And we’re excited to share that we’ll soon be sharing our live dashboard with everyone, so you can see and follow ANIA’s performance in real-time.

So, how well does Ubajay perform against the market? Well, as the numbers show, we’re not just keeping up - we’re setting the pace!

Ah, time and effort - two of the most precious commodities in today’s fast-paced world! And that’s exactly where Ubajay shines.

Imagine having a personal assistant who takes care of all your investment needs. An assistant who doesn’t sleep, doesn’t take breaks, and is always focused on maximizing your investment potential. That’s Ubajay for you!

With Ubajay, you don’t need to spend countless hours analyzing market trends or worrying about when to buy or sell. Our proprietary algorithm, ANIA, does all the heavy lifting for you. It’s like having a personal investment guru at your fingertips, 24/7.

And the best part? Ubajay is completely human-free and automatic. This means you can sit back, relax, and focus on the things that matter most to you, while ANIA takes care of your investments.

So, the advantages of using Ubajay? It’s simple - more time for you, less effort for you, and potentially more growth for your investments. Welcome to stress-free investing, welcome to Ubajay!


Ah, the safety of your treasure chest, a matter of utmost importance! Here at Ubajay, we take this very seriously. But here’s the twist - we don’t actually hold your money. Yes, you read that right!

Ubajay operates on a non-custodial basis. Think of us as a skilled navigator charting the course, but the ship and the treasure on board (that’s your money!) remain under your control.

We send execution signals to your online broker, like a navigator advising the captain. But the actual money stays in the custody of your broker, not ours. It’s like having a treasure map where only you, the captain, know the exact location of the treasure.

So, rest assured, your money is under the protection of your chosen broker, while we work tirelessly to chart the best course for your investment journey. At Ubajay, your financial safety is our priority!

We take your privacy very seriously thats why we comply with GPDR to protect all your valuable information. 



Ubajay operates on a non-custodial basis. This means your money stays with you, in your online broker’s account. We’re like the compass guiding your ship, but the treasure chest (that’s your money!) remains securely with you.

So, when it comes to withdrawing your funds, there are no restrictions or penalties from our side. After all, it’s your money. You should have the freedom to access it whenever you want, without any hurdles or hoops to jump through.

Remember, at Ubajay, your financial freedom is our priority!

Ubajay operates on a non-custodial basis. This means your money stays with you, in your online broker’s account.

So, when it comes to withdrawing your funds, it takes no timefrom our side as it is on your broker custody, after all, it’s your money. You should have the freedom to access it whenever you want, without any hurdles or hoops to jump through.

Remember, at Ubajay, your financial freedom is our priority!

Customer Service

You can contact us by e-mail at, or in our live chat here at